Music in The Episcopal Church can be as diverse as its worship services. Although final authority over the music used in an Episcopal service is "the duty of every Minister" (Canon 24, Section 1), our hymnal draws all Episcopalians together musically in the same way that the Book of Common Prayer draws us together in prayer and liturgy.
The Episcopal Church Welcomes You
The Hymnal of The Episcopal Church offers 720 hymns in addition to liturgical music. While some of the hymns date back to monastic chants, the hymnal offers more modern music as well.
Lift Every Voice and Sing
African American Gospel Traditions
This songbook, also known as the L.E.V.A.S., is a collection of 280 musical pieces from both the African American and Gospel traditions has been compiled under the supervision of the Office of Black Ministries of the Episcopal Church. It includes service music and several psalm settings in addition to the Negro spirituals, gospel songs, and hymns.
Charismatic/ Renewal
Music Led by the Guitars
If you’re looking for more contemporary music in your worship come and be filled with the Holy Spirit by a toe-tapping and soul singing experience of renewal in song. At St Philip's, we have several guitarists who lead a variety of services. We hope you will enjoy hearing the talents of our musicians. If you play an instrument and would like to join call the office for our next jam session.
The Choir
Music is one of God’s greatest gifts to humankind and at St. Philip’s we offer music back to God by glorifying him in our worship with voices of all ages. Music has the power to inspire, to comfort, to console and to heal.
In keeping with the rich tradition of the Episcopal Church, the Music Department at St. Philip’s is committed to maintaining and enhancing this vested heritage by reflecting the nature of today’s church with historical and contemporary music suitable for worship. In addition to strengthening vocal techniques, musicianship and aesthetic development, participants can develop skills which will serve as a basis to glorify God and continued spreading of the Gospel of Christ with glorious music representing the Christian faith.
The Choir meets after the worship service on Sundays for rehearsal.