
September 3, 2021
9/2/2021 13:55:05 Dear St. Philip’s Parishioners: Thanks for the confidence expressed in me by the Vestry in asking me to be the Senior Warden for the remaining six months of this fiscal year and thanks to the rest of the congregation for expressing support. I will try to serve you to the best of my...
9/2/2021 13:57:44 Written by Barbara J Lee On behalf of the UBE On Sunday, September 12, during our Sunday Liturgy, we will celebrate the life and legacy of our notable saint, The Reverend Alexander Crummell. We also designate this day as UBE Sunday to commemorate the racial justice ministry of this organization which was an...
9/3/2021 9:00:17 Written by Wil Baker Recipes, Recipes, Recipes, Recipes The Original Guide for Episcopalians to Learn How to Cook Food For the Soul by St. Philip’s Episcopal Church of Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Church: As always, I trust that this note reaches each of you in the best of health and spirits. At the July...