Bits and Pieces from the Sr. Warden

9/2/2021 13:55:05

Dear St. Philip’s Parishioners:

Thanks for the confidence expressed in me by the Vestry in asking me to be the Senior Warden for the remaining six months of this fiscal year and thanks to the rest of the congregation for expressing support. I will try to serve you to the best of my ability and will need the help of everyone as we move forward.
Our first and most urgent order of business will be to find a priest for our parish and I will be working with the Search Committee, already in place, to accomplish this as soon as possible. We have placed an AD in the Living Church Magazine to be in the next publication and will be advertising on the Diocesan website, on the Union of Black Episcopalians Vocation Listing and the Episcopal News Service. We will inform you of our progress as we go along. The contractors are getting the permits for the repairs of the roof and the front porch done as we should see some work done in the near future.

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